Don Alfonso Florez Leyva's "Testamento":

Holograph, Transcription, and Translation


What follows is a copy of the "Testamento" that Don Alfonso Florez Leyva prepared for us and dated January 1, 1989, along with a transcription, a translation, and notes on the text. Don Alfonso gave us another version of the "Testamento" in 1987. We include a comparison of the two versions as a note below. In addition, in the line notes to this text, we have included transcription and translation of the one paragraph and a few phrases that appeared in the 1987 copy, but not in the copy that we reproduce here. Finally, we also include in the line notes comments on the "Testamento" that Don Alfonso made in Yaqui as he was reacting it for our tape recorder at Yoem Pueblo in May 1989.

Our transcription follows Don Alfonso's original as nearly as possible. In that sense, it is what is sometimes called a diplomatic edition. We have not corrected spellings, supplied word divisions, or added punctuation. Lineation in the English translation follows that in the original as nearly as possible. James S. Griffith gave our rough translation such a thorough review and improved the translation so dramatically that he should be recognized as a full partner in the translation we offer here. Charles Tatum also reviewed the translation. Herbert N. Schneidau generously identified the Biblical allusions which we supply in the line notes. Problems that remain are ours.






testamento principal de la linia
divisoria la santa memoria principal
adaptado por el matirilogio del periodo aitey
del dilubio universal de cuya catrastrofe se
salvaron y segun estas son las generaciones
de llaitohui varon justo perfecto que en sus
generaciones con dios camino y acontecio los
dias que las aguas crecieron sobre la tierra
para destruir a toda en que alla espiritu de
vida devajo del cielo lo que hay en la tierra;
las aguas y reptiles de animales vibientes asi
mismo aves que vulan sobre la tirra en
la vierta expancion de los sielos.
esto susedio que al dia 7 de Febrero las
aguas del fueron sobre la tierra el ano 60014
de la vida de yaitohui dia 7 del mismo mez al 17
de Febrero en aquel [dia] ubo lluvia sobre la
tierra. 40 dias y 40 noches. y desde esa toda.
espiritu de vida terminaron la santa fin.
y asi fue toda. sustancia las aguas prebalecieron y
cresieron en gran manera sobre la tierra des-
truida toda sustancia que vibia sobre paz
de la tierra desde hombres y mujeres.


los dias y el mez de julio al 17 las aguas
fueron descresiendo hasta el dia 1 de octubre se
descubrieron las simas de los montes y el dia
primero de nobiembre se retiraron las aguas sobre
la tierra y se salvaron llaitowui y 13 mas y
11 mujeres en el serro de parbas hoy es Mataehale
i en el serro de jonas aitey y 11 espirituales y
una mujer llamada enac dolores y se desaparecio
en el ano mez de septiembre se volvio estatua de
piedra y hoy es matuakama y en el serro eoposim
se salvaron 6 y hoy es tosalkawui y en
towuai 3 hoy es repakawui y en el serro de
goljota fauc enak y 2 mas hoy es tepparia
oi se Hama otam kawui y en la. sierra sinai
uno que es vakula;
y una mujer domicilia que es serafini y 7 aves
y 7 asnos y 7 perrillos,
hoy es samahuaka y en la sirra baber
una que es equitollis y una mujer que se llamaba
parsenovis y hoy es totoitakusepo
y acontecion despues de estas cosas llegaron
2 angeles a la sierra de sinai al rallar el alva
vacula y fau enac y serafin estavan sentados
sobre una piedra cantado la santisima himno
y viendolos se levantaron ah resevirlos he inclinaronse
hasia el suelo, y al cielo y despues mis senores,
enviado de vuestro dios les rogamos nos defiendan
que vengais ah este valle de lagrimas y dijeron
los angeles hoy para dios alguna cosa es dificil
al tiempo señalado viene tras es que enderesado
todo el camino de dios y volveran aqui segun
el tiempo de la vida de ustedes y al septimo
dia cuando vino la mañana qe vinieron tu vimos
relanpagos y espezas nuvez sobre la sierra
baber en aquellos dias. vine el angel


en viado de dios predicando ah vacula y
ha fau enak y ah serafin; arepentios que el reyno
de dios de los sleglos de santisima altar se ah
sercado porque esto es aquel del cual fue
dicho por el profeta indomin patrix y
id por el camino de dios de nuestros padres
y llegaron al lugar benedixi y oireis vos de
dios y vendigo ah dios ah vacula y ha fau
enak y ah serafin
Derramar sangre de hombre por que imajen
de dios es echo el. hombre y yani;
habra mas diluvio para destruir la tierra.
cual sera la señal por siglos perpetuos mi arco
pondre en las nubes, sera que cuando
hase venir nubes la tierra se dejara ver mi
arco en las nubes, ah dios acordarme y hay
habra mi arco en el altar y en segundo
tabernacula de dicks y todo alma vibiente y
acordarme del pacto mio entre dios
les dijo Dios que quereis que os aga y ellos
le digeron danos que en tu gloria de santisima
altar y les digo Dios podeis beber
del vaso que yo veva y luego comenso
decir que nadie os engañe esta es
mi casa de oracion y sera llamada por
todas las jentes falsos profetas y direis ah
vosotros haveis hecho cuebas de ladrones si
alguna os dijera disiendo yo soi el Dios nole
creais; si os creais se levantaran falso
testimonio hermanos contra hermanos y padre
contra hijos se mataran unos contra otros y los
falsos profetas daran la señal ah ustedes
para engañar y al tienpo señaldo


Rathbonix mejor dicho nuestros estas son
las genaraciones antihuidad cronologicas
los años que se completan en ultimo los
hecho acontecimiento que refirimos en estas tablas
general de ley antihuidad y letrax por hinex
celsi deo mafin y de correcsion de la santisima
trinidad huerto de dios que es inparadisum
hoy es potam y por nuestra señora santa
rosalia prodigiosa aparicion del año 7007--
en eden hoy es vacum y asi mismo por la
nuestra angel de la guarda prodijiosa ah paricion
el año 9002 con la santa cruz en benedicix hoy
es abaskaure y de la encarnacion natividad
de nuestro señor jesucristo redentor del mundo
Amen Jesus
Y despues de estas cosas del año 1414 ah 1417
Isiderio Sinsai y Andres Cusmes Andres Quiso
Ratbi Kauwuamea dijo a los que le aconpañan
hoy 6 del primer mez de dos niños inosentes
del año 1414 caminad por todo los montes y
serros y aldeas predicando la santa linia
divisoria anunciando el evanjelio del reyno
de dios para salir ah un lugar que es
takalaim y le dijo id adelante y horar y
cantamos la alva.


id ahorad pazando de ayi mas ah delante
al yegar ha kavorca les dijo de nuebo ah
los que le aconpañan mirad que ah nadie
as de engañar avosotros yo soy
el enviada de Dios y engañaran muchos
ah vosotros y a nuestros hijos si oyereis a los
que yegen despues de este entonses veran
una gerra y no os turbais y no sera el


pues gegui señorecim achalim
batnataka itom pueplom pricipal achalim
intok junalensu guame itom ley prinsipal
achalim into haet wuelicia itom aye
santa madre igleciapo oficio principal
malestom intok junalensu itom segundo
santa iglecia guame nuestra señora virgen
de la reina guadalupana disipulo asoalam
batnataka iton sontao, alpezim intok aet
wuelicia guame itom sontao kubaileom intok
aet guelicia guame itom achalim capitanim.
tenietem sarjentom cavom guardiam cavom ultimo
hua a tropa guadalupana lloemia
asoalam señoresim achalim;
intok junalensu señoresim achalim aet gueli-
cia guame señor san migel arcangelta
dicipulo lloermia asoalam guame achalim
comandantem ultimo guaha tropa dicipulo
lleutastia señorecim achalim
caballeria vetana pues heme
yhan ah june llane achalim inica
ytom polobe herencia wuia miqui guaca
ytom huia yollohua apo achai dios san-
tima trinidad;
dios achai diosta hu usi dios
espiritu santo yme baji personam nau
baji diosim takai ilen ytom ah herencia
mikak señorecim achalim
pues señorecim junak tiempopo inime
profetam ahabo vittuahuak


dios achaita nesaupo huka itom polobe
herencia huia; yollohua itom ha miksaihuakai
ynim yeu yumak profetam;
pues señorecim achalim ilen
wua suktiata huelleo inim yumak 1414-1417
natek itom linia divisoria itom herencia mikhuai
enerata 6 busaniko yeu sajak sur
betana junaman kahui I pikachom junakahui
mojonea; general bahuepo katekame
beja ket huame iliusim anjelitom intok
huame itom yollohuam sihime mau junama
yeu sajak takalaim meu tia teuhuak benpo
beja guame profetam bou japtek liniata
natek isiderio sinsai;
andres cosme andres quizo rabbi kauwuamea
inime profetam beja julenjia guame
pueplo megui into guame angelitom megui
santa lima divisoria antes de la
llegada de los españoles en el año 1414 a 1417
por indijenas Andres Cosme isiderio sinzai
y Andres Quizo y Rabbi Caumea para
empezar esta santa linia divisoria
cantavan la santa alba y les aconpañan la
dotrina y mandamientos de dios para salir
ha un lugar que es takalai y les dijo id
delante cantad ymnos y al llegar ha
kokoraqui les dijo entre algunos años vendra
unos hombres inicuas prosedente de get-
semanix que es nueva españa aqueyos hombres
figura de isiper son
invasores y enemigos de nuestra. vida y no respetan
a lo ajeno y quedran ha propiarse ha este


nuestro suelo preguntaran ha ustedes por un
esto predicaron aquellos profetas
pues inilen amemak etejok
intuchi kokorakipo juchia etejok pueplom make
al comensar esta santa linia
divisoria les dijo al profeta Andres y
Andres Quizo al llegar ah kokoraqui y les
enseñaba la santa dotrina y mandamientos;
de dios y les dijo mirad los reynos diran
ah ustedes por engaño saber sise
ignoran con ustedes recontrarlo y no le
creys si alguno de ustedes.
dijereis bueno entonses lebantaran falso
testimonio sobre esta santa linia
hermanos contra hermanos padres contra hijos
mataran unos con otros
ilinen amemak etejok jume
liniata itom herencia mikakame
ilen eme ha junellane
batora lleutastia


ha junellane señorecim achalim
pueplom yeutastia
into quet junak tiempopo itom
huos naiki pueplom velekatana
guame itom yollohuam itom buia herencia
mabetakame ket eme ham teuhua jikaine
itom huos naiki templom. behekatana
joata mak juame eme ket ham junellane
señorecim. achalim pueplom
pues señorecim achalim vatnataka
itom pueplo principal achalim into itom
wuiko yaura achalim into itom aye santa
madre higlecia vetana itom principal achalim
malestom yeutastia pues señorecim achalim
itom gosnaiki pueplom velekatana huame itom
lloyohuam huaka itom huia yollogua ha
N. 1 mikhuame kokoim pueplo itom achali
yollogua itom huia yohua herencia
mabetakame jose ygnacio baylutey
pueblo espiritu ilen tehuahua ini kokoi


N. 2 Vascom. pueplo itom huia yollohua profetam
mak ah tekipanohakame Andres Kuzme
jiak pare pueplo eden Santa Rosa Hen
teuhuahua ini Vasco Pueplo
N. 3 Torim. Pueplo itom yollohua; inika itom hula
yollohua mikhuame Patricio Yhuikoyoli
Pueplo San Ygnacio ilen teuhuahua ini
Pueplo Tori
[N.] 4 Vicam Pueplo itom yollohua inika hula
herencia mikhuakame sisto jiosia pueplo
de nuestra Virgen Reyna Guadalupana ilenteak
ini Vicam Pueplo
[N.] 5 Potam Pueplo, itom yollohua inika itom
huia herencia mikhuakame
Juan Jose Sealey
de la Santisima Trinidad Hen teuhuahua
ini Potarn Pueplo
[N.] 6 Rajum Pueplopo itom yollohua inika huia
herencia mikhuakame
Jistei Kauhuamea
Pueplo San Manuel Kustorio ilen teak
ini Pueplo Raju
[N.] 7 Huivis Pueplo itom yollohua inika huia
herecia mikhuakame Sion Kauhuamea yomomoli
Pueplo San Rafael
ini Pueplo Huivis


[N. 8] Puueplo Belen itom yollohua inika itom
huia mikhuakame itom yollohua
erencia mabetakame
Cosme Jajinkoi
San Pedro inen teuhuahua
Belen Pueplo
pues achain ini jiba hua ytom yohua erencia
huia katekame ininen jiostei gume iton pincipalim
malestom inen ah tosakak hua yoemiatagui
jumajani eme ket inen ha juneya nechem ahet
jiokoe ka junama lula ne ah yak juni
Dios ne aet jiokoine intok eme ket ne
aet jiokoine
ynen enchim manpo tahuak
enero dia 1 de 1989
copia del testamento principal
echo por
Alfonso Florez Leyva
Las Guasimas Rio Yaqui, Son.


Principal testament of the Dividing Line
The principal holy memory
adapted on behalf of the martyrology of the period Aitey
of the universal flood from which catastrophe
they were saved, and accordingly these are the generations
of Llaitohui, a perfect, just gentleman who in his
generations walked with God. And the days occurred
when the waters rose over the earth
to destroy everything in which there was a spirit
of life under the heavens. That which is on the earth,
the waters and the reptiles, of living animals, likewise
the birds which fly over the earth in the
open expanse of the heavens.

This happened, that on the 7th day of February
the waters went over the earth in the year 614
during the life of Yaitohui, the 7th day of the same month to
the 17th
of February, on that [day] there was a rain over the
earth. 40 days and 40 nights. And after this all
spirit of life ended. The holy end.
And thus departed all substance. The waters prevailed
and rose in a great fashion over the earth. They destroyed
all substance that lived in peace
on the earth including men and women.

The days ended.


And the month of July on the 17th the waters
were subsiding until the 1st day of October
the tops of the mountains were revealed and on the
1st day of November the waters receded over
the earth. And Llaitowui and 13 others were saved and
11 women on the Hill of Parvas. Today it is Mataehale.
And on the Hill of Jonas, Aitey and 11 souls and
one woman named Enac Dolores and she disappeared
in the year, month of September, she turned into a statue
of stone and today it is Matuakame. And on the Hill Eoposim
6 were saved and today it is Tosal Kawui and on
Towuai 3. Today it is Repa Kawui. And on the Hill
Goljota Fauc Enak and 2 more. Today it is Tepparia.
Today it is called Otam Kawui. And on Mount Sinai
one who is Vakula.
And one woman Domicilia who is a seraph, and 7 birds
and 7 donkeys and 7 little dogs.
Today it is Samahuaka. And on Mount Baber
one who is Equitollis and one woman who was called
Parsenovis. And today it is Totoitakusepo.
And they occurred. After these things there arrived
two angels at Mount Sinai at dawn, the dawn,
Vakula and Fau Enak and Serafin were seated
on a rock singing the most holy hymn
and seeing them they arose to receive them, and bowed
to the ground and to the sky. And after: "My lords,
a messenger from your God. We beg you to defend us, you who
to this valley of tears." And the angels said:
"Today for God something is difficult.
At the appointed time one comes after. It is he who sets right
the entire road of God, and they will return here according
to the time of your lives." And on the 7th
day when morning came they arrived. We saw
lightning and thick clouds over Mount
Baber. In those days came the Angel


sent by God, preaching to Vacula and
to Fau Enak and to Serafin: "Repent, because the kingdom
of God of the centuries of the most holy altar has
drawn near because this is that of which it was
spoken by the prophet indomin patrix. And
90 on the road of the God of our fathers."
And they arrived at the place benedixi: 'And you will hear the
voice of God and I bless God and Vacula and Fau
Enak and Serafin."
"To spill the blood of man because in the image
of God man is made and never again
will there be another flood to destroy the earth.
What will be the sign for all the centuries? I will
place my bow in the clouds, it will be that when
I order the clouds to come, the earth will be allowed to see my
bow in the clouds, to remember me, God, and
there will be my bow on the altar and in the 2nd
tabernacle of God to remind me
of my pact between God and all living souls."
God said to them: "What do you want me to do for you?" And
they told him: "Give us what is in the glory of the most holy
altar." And God told them: "You may drink
of the cup that I drink," and then he began to
say: "Let nobody deceive you. This is
my house of prayer. And you will be called by
all the people 'false prophets' and you will say to yourselves:
'You have made caves of thieves.' If
anyone speaks to you, saying: 'I am God,' do not
believe him. If you believe they will raise false
testimony, brothers against brothers and father
against sons. They will kill one another. And the
false prophets will give you the sign
to deceive you and at the time foretold
it will come.


Rathbonix said better. These are our
generations, the ancient chronicles
the years which complete at last
the completed event that we refer to in these
general tablets of the ancient law and letters by
hinex celsi deo mafin. And of correction of the most holy Trinity,
garden of God, which is paradise.
Today it is Potarn. And through our Lady
Saint Rosalia, a marvelous apparition of the year
707 in Eden. Today it is Vacum. And thus through the
Guardian Angel, a marvelous apparition
the year 902 with the Holy Cross in benedix. Today
it is Abas Kaure and of the encarnation nativity
of our Lord Jesus Christ, Redeemer of the world.
Amen, Jesus.

And after these things of the year 1414 to 1417
Isiderio Sinsai and Andres Cusmes, Andres Quiso
Ratbi Kauwuamea. He said to those who accompanied him:
"Today the 6th of the first month of the innocent children
of the year 1414, walk ye through all the wilderness and
hills and villages, preaching the Holy
Dividing Line announcing the Gospel of the Kingdom
of God, to leave one place which is
Takalaim." And he told him: "Go out and pray and
we shall sing the dawn song."


"Go to pray." Passing from there further on,
to arrive at Kavorca he said to them again, to
those who accompanied him, "Look ye, that nobody
deceives you, saying 'I am
the one sent by God.'And many will deceive
you and our children, if you will hear those
who come after. Then you will see
a war and you will not be confused and it will not be the


Well, yes, lords, fathers,
in the beginning, our principal pueblo fathers,
and likewise, our principal law fathers,
and on it throughout, our Mother,
in Holy Mother's church, the official principal
maehtom, and likewise our second
holy church, our Lady, the Virgin
Queen of Guadalupana's disciple children,
in the beginning, our soldier flagbearers, and on it
throughout, our soldier drummers, and
on it throughout, our father captains,
lieutenants, sergeants, corporals, barrack corporals, finally
the whole Guadalupana family troop,
children, lords, fathers.
And likewise, lords, fathers, on it throughout,
the Lord San Migel the Archangel's
disciple family, children, the fathers,
commanders, finally, the troop disciples,
throughout, lords, fathers,
on the cavalry side. Well, you
will know it now, fathers, this
our poor inheritance, the earth that was given,
our earth, elders, He, God, the Father,
the Holy Trinity,
God the Father, God the Son, God
the Holy Spirit, these three persons together,
three Gods that are like this, gave us
this inheritance, lords, fathers.


God the Father ordered our poor
earth inheritance, the elders, the one who were told
to give it to us,
here the prophets arrived.
Well, lords, fathers, like this
when the year reached 1414-1417, here
our Dividing Line began, the inheritance we were given,
on January 6th, on the 6th, they went out to the south,
from the mountain there with little peaks,
that mountain, Mojonea, which is sitting in the ocean,
already, also, the little angel children and
our elders went out all together
toward Takalaim, they say,
already the prophets took to the road,
they started the line, Isiderio Sinsai,
Andres Cosme, Andres Quizo, Rabbi Kauwuamea,
these prophets, like that already, said this
to the people and to the little angel children,
the Holy Dividing Line, before
the arrival of the Spaniards, in the year 1414-1417,
through the natives, Andres Cosme, Isiderio Sinsai,
and Andres Quizo and Rabbi Caumea, in order to
start this Holy Dividing Line,
they sang the holy dawn song and they accompanied
the doctrine and commandments of God, in order to leave
a place, that is Takalai, and he said to them: "go
forward singing hymns" and upon arriving at
Kokoraqui, said to them: "in the course of some years will come
some wicked men from
Getsemanix, that is Nueva España those men,
the image of Isiper, are
invaders and enemies of our life and they do not respect
others and they will keep these properties.


They will ask you: "Whose land is this
This is what those prophets predicted.
Well, they talked with them like this
again at Kokorakipo they spoke with the people
to begin this Holy Dividing Line,
the prophets Andres and Andres Quizo said to them,
upon arriving at Kokoraqui and
showed them the holy doctrine and commandments
of God and they said to them: "Look, the kingdoms, they
will say
to you, in order to deceive you." If they
ignore you, tell them and don't
believe them. If one of you
says, 'well, then, take up the false
testimony about this Holy Line,
brothers against brothers, fathers against sons,
they will kill one another."'
Like this they spoke with them,
the ones who gave us our inheritance, the line,
like this you will know it.

Baptized Ones throughout,


you will know it, lords, fathers,
villagers throughout,
and also then during that time our
Eight Pueblos that are side-by-side,
the elders, the ones who received our earth inheritance,
you will also hear their names,
our eight churches that are side-by-side,
the homes that were given, you also will know them,
lords, fathers, villagers.
Well, lords, fathers, in the beginning,
our principal pueblo fathers and our
bow leader fathers and from our Mother, Holy
Mother's church, our principal fathers
maehtom throughout. Well, lords, fathers,
our Eight Pueblos, side-by-side, our
elders, our elder earth,

No. 1 the ones who were being given Kokoim Pueplo, our
elder father, our elder earth inheritance,
the one who received it, Jose Ygnacio Baylutey,
Pueblo Holy Spirit, like this is called this Kokoi

[ 10]

No. 2 Vascom Pueplo, our elder earth, with the prophets
who worked it, Andres Kuzme,
a Yaqui priest, Pueplo Eden, Santa Rosa, like this
is called this Vasco Pueplo

No. 3 Torim Pueplo, our elders, the one who was given this our
elder earth, Patricio Yhuikoyoli
Pueplo San Ygnacio, like this is called this
Pueplo Tori

No. 4 Vicam Pueplo, our elders, this earth
inheritance, the one who was given it, Sisto Jiosia, Pueplo
of our Virgin Queen Guadalupana, like this is named
this Vicam Pueplo

No. 5 Potarn Pueplo, our elders, this our
earth inheritance, the one who was given,
Juan Jose Sealey,
of the Most Holy Trinity, like this is called
this Potam Pueplo

No. 6 in Rajum Pueplo, our elders, this earth
inheritance, the one who was given,
Jistel Kauhuamea,
Pueplo San Manuel Kustorio, like this is named
this Raju Pueplo

No. 7 Huivis Pueplo, our elders, this earth
inheritance, the one who was given, Sion Kauhuamca Yomomoli,
Pueplo San Rafael,
this Pueplo Huivis


No. 8 Pueplo Belen, our elders, this our
earth, the ones who were given, our elders,
the ones who receive the inheritance,
Cosine Tajinkol,
San Pedro, like this is called
Belen Pueplo

Well, fathers, this is all our elders' earth inheritance,
that which sits, like this it is written, our principal
maehtom lcft it like this to the Yoemem.
Maybe so you also like this will know it from me.
Forgive me if I have not made it straight, maybe
God will forgive me for it, and you also will
forgive me for it.





































































































Like this it stays in your hands.
January 1, 1989
Copy of the Principal Testament
made by
Alfonso Florez Leyva
Las Guasimas, Rio Yaqui, Sonora

Line Notes