

Miki Maaso

Yoem Pueblo

transcribed, translated, and annotated by
Felipe S. Molina and Larry Evers

Miki Maaso (MM):

a pos empo vea amen vicha a teuwane
      uka lutu'uriata in nokaka'u
vempinto kaivu tua ne hikkaine
nepo vea enchi tehwa bwe kia vea emowa teuwane empo vea

Felipe Molina (FM):

nian hia ori . . .
bwe nianta pensaroa
empo witti a teuwane heewi
uka lutu'uriata ameu a teuwane
wate enchi hikkaine
wate into revereveti a hikkaine ta
ka si'imek hikkaine
ta chukula ni vea im vea empo gravaroa
num vea empo si'imek teuwane
nepo vea chukula veana
ringo nokiu vicha yechane
vempo'im na makak
vempo vea a nokne
nuen vea nuen hia
tu'isi witti yeu simnetea




empo vea kia witti a weivane Yoem nokpo
nuen vea a huneiyane



pues uusim itepo
inim te hokame itepo
waka woi vahi lutuuriata ket inen kechia
eme a waata
into wa enchim hiapsi
enchim mamni sentidom ket men ket eme
a waata kechia eme inika waka
lutu'uriata polove erensiata hakwosa iat
waka yo'ora lutu'uriata eme waata
eme aet hiapsek
eme aet hiapseka na kuakte
into eme aet hiapseka yen matchu
into eme aet hiapseka to'ote

si'imeta eme aet pasaroa waka severiata

hi'ibwapewamta va'ahipewamta
kotpewamta yeetem si'imeta eme aet pasaroa
ta eme inika ta'avae a waka woi vahi lutuuriata waka
      yo'ora lutu'uriata hakwosa vea tiempopo
ite hum ka
itepo hum ka huname yo'oram itepo ka am ta'a
into inepo ka am ta'a
eme san si
waka woik vahik lutu'uriata ket inim wame maso
      bwikleom huevenakai
inim bwiapo emou kom yaaha
inim bwiapo emo mak na kuakte
wawatekai achaim
hunaman itom
hiak vatwe vetana avo emou kom yaaha
waka uhbwanta weiyakai inim wain emou kom yaaha
inim wain vicha rehte
ta waka inika polove erensiata inika a huneiyakai
inena huneiyakai emou inim kom yaaha
eme intoket hunaitwelichi
eme a hikkahak waka nokta
eme amet a mammattek
ta eme tua a huneiyavaeka
hunaman in hoara solarpo
ket neu yahak inime achaim tua ne wok hiawak
haksa in katekapo
      into haksa in na weyepo
tua net cha'aka waka
pasota wokita yak
aet tatavuhtek
iansu ket inim oora weye wa enchim uhbwani into wa
inen enchim teuwaka'u into inen enchim ne
inimi'i enchim
pweplopo inimi'i enchim na kuahktepo
waka woi vahi lutu'uriata
eme a huneiyavae

ne hunikechia inepo kechia
waka yo'ora lutu'uriata
haksa chea inepo waka yo'ora lutu'uriata chea tu'ik
      inepo teune
ta inepo kechia
neu ka eteowak ini'i
como ian enchim eteho
inian kave newa teuwak into inian kave tulisia newa teuwak
      waka woi vahi lutu'uriata
haisa ina ta'ane'u
into haisa ina huneiyane'u
ka newa teuwak
aam hikkahak ala waka hiawata ne hikkahak como emo venasia
ta inena bwikne into im wami into ineni ti kave neu hiak
porque hunak wa yo'ora lutu'uria
hunak tiempopo nakwan
yo'oriwan ini'i inim vo'okame
itom hokapo
wa karpeta yo'oriwan
into wame hirukiam inim to'okame woika vahika inim to'okame
ka kia have huni amet mammamtetuawuan
porque hunak. wa yo'ora inika naken
hunait mamtekatek haivu kia
noki ama aune
ka kia have hum act mamtene
I hakkuvo weyekai
tua ama aune ...

inika itom waka hirukiata tovoktako aet mamtekatek
waka bwe'um hiapsekame
tenku aniapo
vea a vitne inika'a
itom inim polove lutu'uriata
inian a teuwasuk

e achai
e nuhmeela
kat aet mamma iniachi
nim vo'okamtachi

hiovukun hune ka kotne ti hiune
porque ni wa yo
yo ania
inian lutu'uria katek
inian vempo a naksuk

yo ania ini'i
ka kia hum have aet mammane
inian a teuwak huname wame yo'ora
inim bwan bwiapo na kuaktisukame
ne hum ka am ta'ak
into vempo hum ka ne a mahtak
poke inian neu hiusuk
inika ne mahau tetewasuk
ka ian emo venasia in emo vicha a teuwa venasia
      kave inewa teuwak
into ke in achaitakai
into wa chea in sai yo'o takai huni'i
ka inian newa. teuwak
kave ne mahtak
ne kia waka hekata chasisimenita hunaka inepo
inepo a bwisek
into in kovapo namyak
into wa dios humak hunen hia
into wa hua ania vetana wa
yo ania humaku'u into wa
huna humak hunen hia yo hoara humak
inika humak ne makak
huntukson inepo
waka hekata
vem hikka vem bwiksuka'u into vem hikkaisuka'u
      chea vatnataka vem hikkaika'u hunaka. lutu'uriata
      in kovapo taawak in mamni sentirompo taawak
hunuen na huneiyak
ka iniani
emou vicha
ina teuwa kave inewa teuwak
inian ket eme aet manunattene
ma inepo nim kateka emou vicha a teuwa ho
tulimaisine emou vicha kateka a teuwa
ta ini itom hakwo. . . yo'oriwa nakwa
tua wa maso bwikreo yo'owe ka amau vicha
      ye viva mimika
into wa sewundo ka amau vicha
      ye viva mimika
into wa chea ultimou katekame huni ka
      ye amau vicha vivata mimika
into wa vaa hiponreo huni'i into ka au
      viva netanwa
into ka amau vicha nooka
into wa maso bwikreo yo'owe hum ka amau
      vicha nooka
iyimin kaveta yopna


Miki Maaso

Yoem Pueblo

transcribed, translated, and annotated by
Felipe S. Molina and Larry Evers

Miki Maaso (MM):

Well, you will speak the truth that
      I have spoken to them.
They really will not understand me.
I will tell you. Well, so you will be able to tell them.

Felipe Molina (FM):

like this says . . .
well, like this we are thinking.
You will say it straight, yes?
The truth, you will say it to them.
Some will understand you
and some will understand pieces but
will not understand it all.
But later this here that you are recording,
all you will say, will be there.
Later I will
put it in the English language
when I give it to them.
They will read it.
Like that, like that says.
They say it will come out good, straight.




You Will just give it straight in the Yoeme language.
Like that you will know it.



Well, children, we,
the ones who are sitting here, we,
the two or three truths, also, like this, also,
you want it.
And your heart,
your five senses, also, like this, also,
you want it, you also want this
truth, the poor inheritance, from somewhere in the past
      at that time.
You want the elders' truth.
Your heart is in it.
You walk about with your hearts in it,
and you get up in the morning with your hearts in it,
and you go to bed with your hearts in it.

You suffer everything in it, the cold,

the hunger, the thirst,
the sleeplessness, drowsiness, you suffer everything in it.
But you want to know this, the two or three truths, the
      elders' truth. Somewhere in the past at that time,
we did not even,
we did not even, we did not even know those elders,
and I did not know them.
At least you,
the two or three truths, also here,
      many deer singers
arrive here on this land to you.
They walk about here on this land with you.
Some fathers,
over there, from our
Yaqui River, arrive here to you.
Carrying the sacred request they arrive here to you,
come over here.
But knowing this, the poor inheritance,
like this, knowing, they arrive down here to you.
And you also, exactly,
you heard it, the talk
you understood it from them.
But you really wanted to know it.
Over there at my home place
these fathers also came to me, really sought me out
where I was sitting
      and where I was walking around.
Really they made the
steps after me,
they sweated for it.
And now the hour of your sacred request is happening, and,
like this is what you said, like this is what you wanted
      to hear.
Here in your
village, here where you walk around,
the two or three truths,
you want to know it.

I also, also I, also,
the elders' truth,
where am I going to find the best of
      the elders' truth?
But I, also,
To me, this was not told.
Like, the way you are talking now,
like this, nobody said it to me, and like this nobody said
      it to me nicely, the two or three truths.
How I could have learned it,
and how I could have known it?
Didn't say it to me,
but I
heard them, at least I heard the sound like you.
But nobody said to me, "sing it like this, and in this way."
Because then the elders' truth
then, in that time, it was cherished.
It was respected, this, that is lying here
      where we are sitting,
the carpet was respected.
And the raspers lying here, the two or three lying here,
not just anybody could lay hands on them,
because the elder valued this then.
If someone laid hands on these, already
there would be talk.
Not just anybody could lay hands on it,
      walking in from somewhere,
really there would be . . .

If someone picks up our rasper, lays hands on it,
if he is one who does not have the big heart
in the dream world
he will see this,
our poor truth here.
Like this it was said,

"no, father,
no, young man,
don't touch this,
that is lying here.

"You might not sleep," would say,
"because this is the enchanted,
enchanted world."
Like this truth sits.
Like this they valued it,

this is the enchanted world.
Not just anyone can handle it.
Like this, the elders said it. Like this,
the ones who walked around on this weeping earth
I did not even know them,
and they did not even teach it to me.
Because they used to talk
to me like this, they used to scare me,
not like now, to you the way I am saying it to you.
      Nobody said it to me,
and not even my father,
and moreover not even my older brother,
said it to me like this.
Nobody taught me.
I just, on the blowing wind, I . . .
I caught it
and put it together in my head.
And maybe God says this,
and from the wilderness world,
the enchanted world, and maybe the . . .
maybe that, like that, the enchanted home says, maybe,
maybe, it gave me this,
and then I
I, the wind . . .
What they heard, what they have sung, what they have heard,
      what they have heard in the beginning, that truth
      stayed in my head and in my five senses.
Like that I knew it.
Not like this,
the way I am saying it
to you, nobody said it to me.
Like this, you should pay attention to it,
do you see? I am sitting here saying it to you.
Beautifully, I am sitting here saying it to you.
But in the past our . . . this was respected.
Really, the elder deer singer did not give cigarettes
      to those behind him.
And the second singer did not give cigarettes
      to those behind him.
And the last one who sits with us did not give
      cigarettes to those behind him.
And the water drummer also, cigarettes were not requested
      from him,
and he could not talk to those behind.
And also the elder deer singer could not even talk
      to those behind.
He doesn't answer anybody behind, here.





























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