Song 2


ai sewailo malichi yeulu siika
      ika yo taa'ata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi
sewailo malichi yewilu siika
      ika yo taa'ata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo, malichi

ai sewailo malichi yeulu siika
      ika yo taaata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi
sewailo malichi yewilu siika
      ika yo taa'ata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi

aa sewailo malichi yewilu siika
      ika yo taa'ata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi
sewailo malichi yewilu siika
      ika yo taa'ata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi

aa sewailo malichi yeulu siika
      ika yo taaata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi
sewailo malichi yewilu siika
      ika yo taa'ata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi

aa sewailo malichi yeulu siika
      ika yo taa'ata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi
sewailo malichi yewilu siika
      ika yo taaata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi

aa sewailo malichi yewilu siika
      ika yo taaata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi
sewailo malichi yewilu siika
      ika yo taa'ata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi

aa sewailo malichi yewilu siika
      ika yo taaata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi
sewailo malichi yewilu siika
      ika yo taa'ata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi

ayamansu seewailo yo huya saniloa vevetana
      yewilu sewailo malichi
sewailo malichi yewilu siika
      ika yo taaata yo vali kuakte
            waimake yewilu siika sewailo malichi

Song 3


ai wana yeusu weyeka
      sewa yo fayalia
vevetana yeusu weyeka
wana yeusu weyeka
      sewa yo fayalia
            vevetana yeusu weyeka

ai wana yeusu weyeka
      yo fayalia
            vevetana yesu weyeka
wana yeusu weyeka
      sewa yo fayalia
            vevetana yeusu weyeka

ai wana yeusu weyeka
      yo fayalia
            vevetana yeusu weyeka
wana yeusu weyeka
      sewa yo fayalia
            vevetana yeusu weyeka

ai wana yeusu weyeka
      yo fayalia
            vevetana yeusu weyeka
wana yeusu weyeka
      sewa yo fayalia
            vevetana yeusu weyeka

ai wana yeusu weyeka
      yo fayalia
            vevetana yeusu weyeka
wana yeusu weyeka
      sewa yo fayalia
            vevetana yeusu weyeka

ayamansu seewailo
      imsu yo sewa tevatevachiapo
            vivichaka weyeka
wana yeusu weyeka
      sewa yo fayalia
            vevetana yeusu weyeka

Song 4


ai havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuiteka
havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuitekaaaa

ai havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuiteka
havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuitekaaaa

ai havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuiteka
havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuitekaaaa

aa havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuiteka
havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuitekaaaa

ai havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuiteka
havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuitekaaaa

aa havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuiteka
havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vultekaaaa

aa havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vuiteka
havesa huneni yo
            vaa'ampo komsu vultekaaaa

ayamansu sewailo yo huya saniloa vevetana
      weyeka sea kokomala awakai
            yo vaa'mpo komsu vuitekai
havesa huneni yo
      vaa'ampo komsu vultekaaaa

ho inen hia achaim
wa woi vai lutu'uria
enchim hikkairoka'u
wa kanaria
inian naatek
into inian chupuk wa yoawa
wa hua aniapo
an aniame
tua inivo yeu siika
a sewa voot yeu siika
tua nam vicha weyeka hunuen hia
yo vaa'au vicha weyeka hunuen hia
ta iniamak yeu siika
ta im kechia achaim
eme'e kechia
aet pappeaka man ket eme a nattemaine

vempo wa yo'ora
hua aniapo aneme
mah torom
woika vahika nau yahakame
tua hunama nau yahaka hunen
vempo nau eteho

intuchi wa maaso
ameo yiineme
hua aniapo
wame sea yolemem into wame
sewa yolemem
nau yahakai
inian a teuwa
vempo a bwikriak
wa hua aniapo
vempo na kuakteme
tua im wa yo'ora erenciata mampo taawak
huname yo'ora hunaka hua aniapo anemta vichak waka yoawata
hunaka vichaka
hunen hia chea vatnaateka wame yo'ora
hua aniat na kuaktisukame
hua aniat a hariusukame inien a teuwa
ta wame mah torom inen nau yahaka vem inen

inian a
vempo aet mammattek
vempo inian aet suatuk
ite into vichau vicha wa yoemia
yo'ora lutu'uriata tiuwamta hunaka itepo
ien te reverevekti huna hoa achaim
reverevekti te ...
ta ket mak te aet kahtikaroavawaka
inika lutu'uriata makwak itepo
into wa yoawa
ket humak aet kahtikaroavawaka
nian mak dios itom aet kahtikaroa
ka diosta itom aet kahtikaroak huni
wam hua aniapo kaupo ket hooka
wame santikglesiam
tuate yooko matchuk humak inika bwan
bwiata tosahak ma te ka
wana itom santikglesiampo
vetuku'u humaku'u
ka tochopola cha'ane humakuu
wa tua hunen aet atteakame
      hunaman ma yo aniau vicha
kivakne haksa
tua inian emo vetchivo mampo tawane achaim
tua inian a hippue achaim
inian eme a huneiyasakane
ka wana eme santikglesia ta emo ayek
ayektiakai eme ka tua hunaman vicha eme emo
porke ini ka aman lutu'uria achaim
im itom tekipanoa'u
na ket wam santikglesiam hippue
wame yo hoaram inen teuwawame hooka
hunamet a ta'ak wame yo'ora lutu'uria
ta chea vatnaataka itepo kam vichak
inian ket enchim mampo taawak im wa
maso yeu sikame achaim inian eme a huneiyane
inian enchim mampo taawak





iniat chukula vea naatek achaim
wa enchim hikkaivae'u
wame bwiikam ameo weyeme
inian hia achaim
inian eme am huneiyane

Song 2


Ai flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.
Flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.

Ai flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted coot turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.
Flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted coot turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.

Aa flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.
Flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.

Aa flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.
Flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.

Aa flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.
Flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.

Aa flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.
Flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.

Aa flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.
Flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.

Over there, from the flower-covered enchanted wilderness grove,
      the flowered-covered fawn out,
Flower-covered fawn went out,
      when this enchanted sun makes an enchanted cool turn,
            with that the flower-covered fawn went out.

Song 3


Ai as you are walking out there,
      from the flower enchanted opening,
you are walking out.
As you are walking out there,
      from the flower enchanted opening,
            you are walking out.

Ai as you are walking out there,
      from the flower enchanted opening,
you are walking out.
As you are walking out there,
      from the flower enchanted opening,
            you are walking out.

Ai as you are walking out there,
      from the flower enchanted opening,
you are walking out.
As you are walking out there,
      from the flower enchanted opening,
            you are walking out.

Ai as you are walking out there,
      from the flower enchanted opening,
you are walking out.
As you are walking out there,
      from the flower enchanted opening,
            you are walking out.

Ai as you are walking out there,
      from the enchanted opening,
            you are walking out.
As you are walking out there,
      from the flower enchanted opening,
            you are walking out.

Over there in the flowered-covered
      here in the enchanted flower patio, patio,
            you saw, you are walking out.
There as you are walking out,
      from the flower enchanted opening,
            you are walking out.

Song 4


Ai who is running down like
      that in the enchanted water?
Who is running down like that
      in the enchanted water?

Ai who is running down like
      that in the enchanted water?
Who is running down like that
      in the enchanted water?

Ai who is running down like
      that in the enchanted water?
Who is running down like that
      in the enchanted water?

Ai who is running down like
      that in the enchanted water?
Who is running down like that
      in the enchanted water?

Ai who is running down like
      that in the enchanted water?
Who is running down like that
      in the enchanted water?

Aa who is running down like that
      in the enchanted water?
Who is running down like that
      in the enchanted water?

Aa who is running down like that
      in the enchanted water?
Who is running down like that
      in the enchanted water?

Over there from the flower-covered enchanted wilderness grove
      as you are walking with flowers all over your antlers
            running down in the enchanted water,
Who is running down like that
            in the enchanted water?

You see, like this, it says, fathers,
the two or three truths,
what you wanted to hear.
The Kanaria,
like this, began, and, like this, ended.
The animal,
in the wilderness world
the one who is helping itself
truly, went out from here,
went out on its flower road.
Truly, as he is walking toward there, like that, it says.
As he is walking toward the enchanted water, like that, it says.
But, he went out with this.
But, this, also, fathers,
you also,
on it, vigorously, like this, also, you will question it.

they, the elders
that are in the wilderness world,
deer bulls,
two or three together, those who arrive,
truly, arrived there together like that, they talk together.

Again, the deer,
he who will dance for them
in the wilderness world,
the flower people and the
flower people
as they arrive together,
like this, it says.
They sang for it
in the wilderness world,
they, those who move about.
Truly, this, the elders' inheritance stayed in their hands.
Those elders, they saw what is there in the wilderness world, the animal.
They saw that.
Like that they say in the very beginning, those elders,
the ones that used to move about in the wilderness world,
the ones that used to search for it in the wilderness world,
like this, they say it.
But those bull deer, the ones that come together like this,
as they worked on it,
like this
they studied it.
Like this they gained their knowledge of it.
And we, the following generations of the Yoeme,
elders' truth as it is called, we,
that we just work on it piece-by-piece, fathers,
piece-by-piece, we ...
But maybe because we are going to get punished for it
we were given this truth.
And the animal
maybe is also going to be punished by it.
Maybe God is punishing us like this with it.
Even if God doesnt punish us with it,
over there in the wilderness world, in the mountains,
they are also holy churches.
Truly in the future when we leave this weeping earth behind,
we might not ...
our holy churches
there, under,
maybe not rolled in a white sheet.
The one that truly owns it like that,
      over there, maybe, the enchanted world
he might enter
at the time
when he is called.
Truly like this it will stay in your hands, fathers.
Truly like this it has it, fathers.
Like this you will continue to know it.
You can not say that the holy church is your mother.
Saying it's your mother, you should not make yourself
secure in relation to that,
because this does not have any truth over there, fathers.
This work that we are doing,
that also has holy churches over there,
the ones that are called the enchanted homes exist there.
They learned it from them, the elders' truth.
But we did not see them in the very beginning.
Like this also it stays in your hands.
The deer that went out, fathers, like this you will know it
like this it stays in your hands.





After this it will start, fathers,
That which you wanted to hear,
the songs that go with it.
Like this it says, fathers.
Like this you will know them.
















































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